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we're movingHeads up, everybody: BROOD is moving to a newer, prettier home. This new site is not only better looking, but also has better features, such as a link that allows you to bookmark posts easily. And, hopefully, the address is easier to remember, because it’s my name (brood was taken, unfortunately): It’s not up quite yet, so don’t bother to type that into your browser right now.

The only downside to this newer, classier site is that it’s going to be hard to get people to move over with me. The site should be “migrating” or whatever on Monday, at which time this page will re-direct you to my new home. When you reach my new, functioning site for the first time, you should:

  • Update your bookmarks
  • Update your RSS feed
  • Edit your blogroll

You could also just write done the new address or memorize it or shave the mirror image of the address into the back of your head. But the point is, I’m moving, and I want you to come with me.

Also, if you like the look of my site and you need some web-techy help yourself, let me know and I’ll send you over to my lovely, talented, and always-awake web-lady, Robin.